
Guitarmania 2019: HTML Content Generation

In the exercises on this site, type out the code in the exercises, rather than cutting and pasting it for this site: this will help you memorize the tags and concepts. Build The Main Page Structure Inside the BODY of your document, put in a HEADER element, a MAIN element, and a FOOTER element. Use […]


Guitarmania 2019: Introduction

First, please download the files you’ll need for this exercise. Once you unpack the downloaded zip file, open the main folder in your code editor. You will see that you have two folders: one for images and one for your CSS files. In this exercise, we are going to use a mobile first methodology to build the […]

CSS HTML Uncategorized

PUBL 1220 Outline (2019)

  Publ 1220 Web Design Fundamentals Credits: 6 Room: A247 Contact Info: Kevin McMillan Office A248 (604) 323-5941 Days & Times: Summer Term: May 08 – June 16, 2018 Tuesday 130–520 Tuesday 600–720 (lab) Thursday 1130–320 Thursday 400–520 (lab) Friday 1130–420  (lab) Office Hours Tuesday 1130–130 Or by appointment. SKIP to Class Content This Section A class will cover HTML […]


I Heart Cities 2019 HTML Mockup Exercise

First please download the starter files and the screenshots. If this is a test, talking to anyone but me will result in a score of “0”. In the download is an HTML file. I have put some of the HTML in. You will need to put in a lot more. Make sure that you read […]


World Beat Website Mockup

First please download the starter files and screenshots. In this exercise, you will make the front page of an imaginary worldbeat music magazine. If this is a test, you can use the internet and your notes, speaking to anyone other than me or the Instructional Assistant will result in you receiving a mark of zero. […]

CSS JavaScript WordPress

Download: SASS WP Gulp Build Process

Basic Gulp-Based SASS Build Process In order to use SASS in your WordPress development environment, download this zip archive. When you unpack the archive, you will have a folder called gulp-dev-for-wp. Inside that folder are two files: package.json and gulpfile.js.   This build process assumes that either: you have installed npm and gulp-cli on your own […]

CSS JavaScript

Running SASS in a Gulp.js Build Process: Globs and the Watch Task

Where We Ended Up Our gulpfile.js file looked like this at the end of the previous exercise: It’s working, but it’s looking for only a single scss file. In this part of the exercise, we’ll get gulp to look at any number of files. Add Some More SASS Files First, create the following additional folders […]

CSS JavaScript

Running SASS in a Gulp.js Build Process

The instructions for the installation below are Macintosh-specific. PC instructions will be roughly similar, but there will be significant differences that will require some googling. If you are on your own computer, install node.js and the gulp command line-utility. Each of the command line steps can be copied and pasted into the Terminal window and […]


SASS Essentials 2018: Functions

SASS Functions are Similar to Mixins. They tend, however, to be used more programmatically, with logic and return values. Here’s an example. This function will make an element’s text color white if the background is dark, and black if the background is white. To see how this works, put this function in a test file […]

CSS HTML JavaScript Uncategorized WordPress

Basic SASS Setup 2019