
JavaScript: Adding EventListeners that Target Multiple Items

Make a new html file, a new css file, and a new javascript file: index.html, styles.css, myscript.js. In the html file, connect the stylesheet, and connect the javascript file.] Now, inside the document, add the following Emmet equation and then press TAB: This will produce 10 buttons: In your stylesheet, make ten classes, color1 to […]


“Light” Photo Blog Layout Step by Step

This page will explain how to produce the layout from the “Light” Photo Blog Flexbox exercise. In a few small places, it will modify the design in small ways, in order to improve it. Emmet Setup Even though there was an index file provided with the download, let’s practice our Emmet skills in a new […]


WordPress Lab Exercise 3

NOTE: in this exercise, do not edit any theme template files (ie don’t use Appearance > Theme Editor) or install any plugins other than those used in the assignment. The Duplicator plugin is included in the files you will download below. Any CSS changes you make in your site should go in the Customizer. Task […]

CSS HTML JavaScript

JavaScript Exercise: Photo Viewer

For this exercise, you will make a full-page photo viewer with the following characteristics: on load, the page will present the first image from the vancouver set. the site header will remain visible at the bottom of the page at all times. four buttons in the nav in the header will give the user a choice […]

Langara Outlines

Class Photo Generation Procedure

If I am to have any chance of learning all the names of everyone in all my classes, I need to make photo sheets of the class. To help me do that, please do the following On a Mac, open the program Photo Booth. Use Photo Booth so that the images I receive are all the same […]

Langara Outlines

WMDD4840 Outline (2019)

WMADD 4840 Content Management Systems Credits: 3 Room: B015 (Mac Lab) Contact Info: Kevin McMillan Office A248 604.323.5941 Days & Times: Spring 2019 Mondays: 930 – 1230 find my office Office Hours Tuesdays 130-430 SKIP to Class Content This class will cover Content Management Systems, specifically WordPress—by far, the most popular CMS in the world. Here are a […]

HTML JavaScript

JavaScript: Sortable Table

In this exercise, you will make a user-sortable HTML table. The table’s contents–a list of Shakespeare plays, with titles, genres, and year of composition—-will be loaded dynamically via JS into the table. We will do this without external libraries, just vanilla JavaScript. First please download this file. It contains an array of objects. Each object […]


HSL Color Exercise

For this exercise, please do the following: Read this page about the HSL color model. If you want, keep it open for reference while doing the exercise. Download these files and make a new Atom project (or a project with whatever editor you’re using). Add a stylesheet and put a link to it in the […]


Emmet: A “Simple” Example (HSL)

In this exercise, we are going to use a single Emmet equation that will illustrate how powerful the package is. First, please download the sample files. The downloaded folder is called HSLPaletteExercise—StarterFiles. Inside it is a single html file and a folder of images called color-palettes. The images are named sequentially (palette-01.png, palette-02.png, etc). Open the downloaded folder […]


CSS Grid “Layouts in Abstract” Exercise 2019

First please download the starter files. The difference between the two is that the first has the javascript written for you, but the second asks you to write the javascript. If you are a Langara Publishing or Emily Carr Intro to Web Design student, please download this one. If you are a Langara WMDD student, […]