WordPress Templates

WordPress Conditional Tags

This exercise can be done using any WordPress site at all. Use the site you created for last week’s series of follow-along videos: WordPress theming bootcamp.

To begin, please download this starter theme. Put it inside wp-content/themes.

Then open it up as a project with Visual Studio Code (or whatever editor you use), and make it the active theme in the WordPress dashboard.

Then please delete the following files:

  • comments.php
  • template-parts/content-none.php

This will leave us with a very bare-bones theme.

If you go to the front page of the site, you see how bare-bones it is.

Now please go to this URL: it is for a small series of Loom videos to introduce you to using conditions in WordPress. Please watch them in the order indicated by their titles.

Follow along with the videos, adding the code and testing the site in the browser.

Once you’ve gone through the examples with the starter theme, please do the JazzIcons 2020 Conditions Exercise. In that one, you will use the techniques learned here to make a similarly concise but versatile theme.