
WordPress Deployment Exercise 2023

In this exercise, you will deploy a locally-created WordPress site to a web server. For information on how to accomplish the tasks required, consult the following videos listed in Brightspace in the week we cover deployment: These videos will cover most of what you will need to know, but occasionally trips to Google might also […]


WordPress Classic Theme Configuration: Shark Prods, Shorter 2025

NOTE: in this exercise, do not edit any theme template files (ie don’t use Appearance > Theme Editor) or install any plugins. Preliminary Site Setup First please download the necessary files for the exercise (updated 2025, with classic blocks conversion). If I ask you to install a Duplicator package instead, download this one (from August […]


WordPress Full Site Editing Exercise: Seven

In this exercise, you will be creating a WordPress website called Seven using Full Site Editing and the Create Block Theme plugin. First, please download the starter content and the screenshots. Loom Videos Choose the first video if this is a test, and the second one if it’s an exercise. The video shows how the […]

WordPress WordPress Templates

WordPress Theme.JSON Editing Exercise

For this exercise, please download and install this starter content and download the screenshot. Here is a Loom video demonstrating the task. The starter content is a Duplicator archive for you to install. Housekeeping Tasks Once you’ve installed the site, do the following: Create Your Theme Use the already-installed Create Block Theme plugin to generate […]

WordPress WordPress Templates

WordPress FSE Exercise: Art Battle 2024

First, please download the starter files. This is a Duplicator package. Now, download the screenshots. Finally, please watch this Loom video demonstration of the look and behaviour of the site. Note that the layout for the home, archive and search results page is basically the same. The only difference is the addition of a title […]

WordPress WordPress Templates

Imaginary Film Festival 2023: WordPress Full Site Editing Exercise

First of all, please download the starter files. As well, please download the (revised) screenshots. Then install the starter content: a Duplicator package. During this installation, make sure to add yourself as an Administrator. One the site is installed, login and go to the Plugins area and deactivate and delete the following plugins, if they […]


WordPress Theming Exercise: face place 2023 (3761295)

In this exercise, you will write a WordPress theme to output content the way it appears in the screenshots and Loom movie. Initial Setup For this exercise, please download the starter files (duplicator archives) and the screenshots: Then please download this starter theme to start the project. If this is an exam, you must use […]


WordPress Theming Exercise: face place 2023 (3769842)

In this exercise, you will write a WordPress theme to output content the way it appears in the screenshots and Loom movie. Initial Setup For this exercise, please download the starter files (duplicator archives) and the screenshots: Then please download this starter theme to start the project. If this is an exam, you must use […]


Sample Content for Custom Post Type and Custom Fields Demo

For this exercise, which we’ll do in class, please download the following images of famous jazz guitar albums. As well, please download this simple starter theme.

Uncategorized WordPress

Using Duplicator to Deploy to Plesk Hosting Environment

I planned to record a Loom video showing how to deploy with Duplicator rather than All-In-One WP Migration. However, Loom is currently not cooperating. So here is a rough guide how to do it.