Langara Outlines

WMDD4835 Outline (2020)

WMDD 4835 HTML / CSS 2 Credits: 3 Rooms: B014 Contact Info: Kevin McMillan Office A248 604.323.5941 Days & Times: Spring 2020 Tuesday 1230-320 Spring Break: Feb 17-22 Exam Period: April 04-20 find my office Office Hours Thursday 2-5 WMDD 4840 Content Management Systems Credits: 3 Room: B014 (Mac Lab) Contact Info: Kevin McMillan Office A248 604.323.5941 Days […]

Langara Outlines

WMDD4815 Outline (2020)

WMDD 4815 HTML / CSS 1 (Spring Term) Credits: 3 Room: B018 (PC Lab) Contact Info: Kevin McMillan Office A248 604.323.5941 Days & Times: Mondays: 130 – 420 Spring Break: Feb 17 – 22 Exam Period: April 04 – 20 find my office Office Hours Thursday 2-5 NOTE: because of the need for social distancing in response […]


The ClassList Property and Methods

To learn about all the methods and properties of any HTML element, consult the Mozilla Developer Network page on Elements. Click on any element to find information on its available properties and methods. For example, if I want to learn how to modify classes attached to an element, I can look through this document and […]


Installing ESLint Globally

In VS Code or Atom, press cmd/ctrl shift p to summon the command palette. There type install extensions. Search for ESLint (the one by Dirk Daeumer).

Tools & Generators

Introduction to Regular Expressions

This video does a great job explaining introductory regular expressions: Character Meaning Example * Match zero, one or more of the previous Ah* matches “Ahhhhh” or “A“ ? Match zero or one of the previous Ah? matches “Al” or “Ah“ + Match one or more of the previous Ah+ matches “Ah” or “Ahhh” but not […]

CSS HTML WordPress

Visual Studio Code Extensions

Below are some of the Visual Studio Code Extensions I use and recommend: Live Server: automatically reloads browser when html or css files are saved Rainbow Brackets: colors bracket pairs. Very useful in JavaScript StyleLint: error checking for CSS File Utils: adds file management functionality (duplicate, rename, move, etc) VSCode-Random: generated random data. CSS Navigation: for searching […]


Links Review Exercise

In this exercise, you will make a page with four sections, each devoted to a different guitar company. If there is anything in the exercise we have not covered in class … get googling! Download The Files Here are the image files you will need. Once unpacked, this zip will reveal an img folder with […]

WordPress WordPress Templates

WordPress JavaScript Exercise: Mais Henri

The main focus of this exercise will be the use of JavaScript in WordPress. Setup First, please download the starter package. When you unzip the file, you will find a Duplicator installer and archive. Make a new database and install the site into your testing environment (most likely MAMP). Make a new SASS-based theme called […]

WordPress Templates

WordPress Theming Exercise: The Eatery Restaurant

In this exercise, you will use custom fields and custom post types to make a restaurant website. The aim is to create a theme that gives a site owner a more intuitive UI with which to manage his or her content. The first parts of the exercise will focus on setting up and outputting the […]

WordPress WordPress Templates

WordPress: Filter Archive Title Output

If you need to output the title of an archive in a WordPress theme, you could use functions like single_cat_title(), single_tag_title(), etc. The trouble, however, is that they’re limited to the type of archive (category, tag, etc) listed in the function name itself. A more versatile approach is to use the_archive_title function. It will work on any […]