WordPress Templates

Protected: WordPress Security Settings on WMDD Plesk

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WordPress Basics Lab Exercise

Some of these “review” tasks we might not have done in class yet, or they might not all have been covered by the videos I’ve assigned. If that’s the case, think of those parts of the task as “review while figuring out” exercises. First, download these images. You will use these images in a couple […]

WordPress Templates

Basic WordPress functions.php Code

For a Block Theme: This will enqueue your styles.css file, making the styles that you write there available to WordPress. It is recommended to put as much of your styling into theme.json as possible. However, there is still things that cannot be done in theme.json yet, and the Custom CSS area of theme.json is recommended […]


Vancouver Gallery Exercise

First, please download these files. This zip archive contains a folder of images. Now download these screenshot files. Make a new folder named vancouver-gallery-yourname. Put the downloaded images folder inside the folder you just made. You will make all the HTML & CSS for the exercise. The Task Make a page that a header and […]


Visual Studio Code: Wrapping Selections in Tags

If you have a lot of content to mark up, using Visual Studio Code’s features can make that job a lot faster, and more consistent. The movie below shows a couple ways to leverage multiple selections and Emmet’s wrap-in-tag functionality. Get comfortable with the techniques used here and you’ll save lots of time. Here’s the […]

Langara Outlines

PUBL 1220 Outline (2020)

Publ 1220 Web Design Fundamentals Credits: 6 Room: Currently Online Summer Term:May 04 – June 13, 2020Zoom URLs:See BrightSpace Course Page Days & Times:Tuesday 130–520Tuesday 600–720 (lab)Thursday 1130–320Thursday 400–520 (lab)Friday 1130–420  (lab)Office HoursThursday 900–1100  SKIP to Class Content This double-size half-term class will cover HTML & CSS, and serve as a foundation for the Advanced Web Design […]

Langara Outlines

WMDD4840 Outline (2020-02)

WMDD 4840 Content Management Systems Credits: 3 Online Days & Times:Summer 2020Monday: 930 – 1230Exam Period: August 04 – 15 For Zoom URLs, see Brightspace Course Office Hour (via Zoom)Friday 9-10 To get in touch with me, please email to my address or send email via BrightSpace. PDF of Official Outline SKIP to Class Content […]


pretendmag layout exercise

First, please download the starter files you will need. Once you’ve unpacked the files, you will see that are two folders of images whose names show the orientation of the images inside them: unsplash-2020-landscape unsplash-2020-portrait Next please download the screenshots. In this exercise, you will make a front-page of a magazine-style website. There are four […]

WordPress Templates

Protected: Transferring your WP Site to a Live Server 2020

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WordPress Templates

WordPress Theme Exercise: Metonymic 2020

In this exercise, you will build two significant parts of a WordPress theme: the home page and the single post view. You may use your notes or the Internet. If this is a test, talking to anyone will result in a zero grade. Initial Setup First, please download the following: the duplicator package a starter […]