For this code challenge, please download this image. For the paths to be consistent, put the html file, the image, and the css file in the same folder, and use relative paths ( no starting / ). Put your CSS inside <style> tags in the head of the document. Don’t link to an external stylesheet. […]
Author: km
MAMP Bug: zlib Compression
There is an annoying bug that sometimes occurs in the Windows version of MAMP. Specifically, a message like this shows up at the bottom of your pages, Notice: ob_end_flush(): failed to send buffer of zlib output compression (1) .. You can fix the bug by following these steps: find the version of PHP you’re using […]
WordPress Conditional Tags
This exercise can be done using any WordPress site at all. Use the site you created for last week’s series of follow-along videos: WordPress theming bootcamp. To begin, please download this starter theme. Put it inside wp-content/themes. Then open it up as a project with Visual Studio Code (or whatever editor you use), and make […]
First, please download the starter files. There is a folder of screenshots contained within the folder you download, as well as an HTML file and some image files. Exercise Details This document will describe what I’d like you to do in the exercise. This Loom video will also demonstrate. In this exercise, you will make […]
First of all, please download these starter files. Next, download the screenshots. Here is a Loom movie showing how the page needs to behave. If this a test, you may use the Internet or your notes, but you may not communicate with anyone other than me or our Instructional Assistant (if we have one). Details […]
WordPress Theming Bootcamp 1
For this exercise, I want you to follow along with an extended video series on how to write WordPress themes. This series will take you through a lot, so don’t start one day before it’s due or you won’t finish it. First, please download these files (updated Feb 08, 2022). This is a Duplicator archive […]
First, please download the starter files. Starter Files Make a new database and install the duplicatored site into it. As part of that duplicator process, make a new Admin Account, using your first and last name as both the user name and password. For the nickname, use your initials. Make sure that you do this, […]
If you are trying to install a WordPress plugin or a WordPress update and are getting errors because of slow internet connections, here are a couple things you can do. Option One: Install Manually Any plugin or theme that can be installed from the Dashboard can also be installed by downloading it from the […]
For this exercise, please watch the videos at the URL below. Flexbox “Holy Grail” 2025 Layout The order you should watch them in is indicated by the number at the start of each video’s title. You should end up with a page that looks more or less like this: When done, name your project folder yourname-flex-video-follow-along, […]
First, please download the screenshots and logo file. In this exercise, you will make the front page of a magazine-style site. There will be three main sections to the page: header, main, and footer. All type will be the georgia, times, ‘times new roman’, serif font stack. A short movie describing the task and showing […]