
Basic HTML Efficient Selection & Markup Exercise 2023 (AI)

First, please download this project.

Once you unzip the folder, please rename it as follows: firstname-lastname-ai-markup

Then open the folder as a new project in Visual Studio Code.

You will see only a single file here: index.html

In the body of that file, you will notice that there is a lot of text. However, none of it is actually marked up.

Please mark it up, paying attention to document semantics and efficient selection techniques.

Initially, the only html tags you will likely need here are h1, h2, h3, h4, and p.

However, you should also consider how you could improve the semantics of the page by adding a few lists to your markup.

Finally, document semantics could be enhanced with the use of article and section tags.

If you need to review efficient selection and markup techniques, please review these videos:

If we have done any CSS….

Style the document.

Make it readable.

Make it … pretty.

When You Are Done

When you finish the exercise, please rename your project folder firstname-lastname-ai-markup, the zip it up, and hand it in.

At Emily Carr, you will do that in Moodle. At Langara, you will do that in Brightspace.