
WordPress Configuration Exercise: Kadence Theme & Plugins

For this exercise, you will make a site using the excellent Kadence theme and two related plugins.

This exercise will introduce you to:

  • one of the most customizable classic themes ever
  • a number of sophisticated Gutenberg blocks installed via plugin
  • the Kadence design library, which contains premade and modifiable page sections (and even entire pages) that you can include in any site
  • various ways of dealing comfortably with block nesting

First, please download

Next, watch these Loom videos in the order implied by the numbers in their titles.

Generating Content (Method One)

NOTE: the first two videos in the above series illustrate one way of generating content. However, one of the plugins used, Fakerpress, has become buggy.

I would just skip this option, and use option two below.

If FakerPress makes an error when you try to run it, try setting your version of PHP back to an earlier version (version 7.x). In the Mac version, you can do that right from the Start screen of the MAMP application.

If you don’t have an option to change the php version easily with a click on the MAMP start screen (which I believe is the case in Windows), just use the method below to create your content.

Generating Content (Method Two)

Another option for generating sample content is to just make a couple posts and then use the Yoast Duplicate Post plugin to duplicate them (changing the title and the feature image of each).

A video series explaining how to do that can be found here:

The sound quality of those two videos is not perfect: my apologies for that.

Anyway, have fun with a great theme.