First please download these files.
In this exercise, which we will likely do over the course of a couple classes, we are going to mark up a text file with a lot of information about the great Nigerian musician Fela Kuti.
Our first concern will be marking up the document semantically—making our choices of HTML elements according to the document outline and hierarchy of meaning they create.
Then we will add some images (supplied with the download) and learn now to use the CSS float property to flow the text around them.
Then, depending on how far we get, we will investigate the following CSS properties or concepts:
- font-family
- font-weight
- text-transform
- letter-spacing
- color
- background-color
- border
- margin
- padding
- display: block vs inline vs inline-block
- text-align
- floating
- centering of block content
- background images
- css gradients
- html sectioning elements
Included in the files you downloaded is a screenshot file depicting roughly where I hope to go with this exercise, but here is a detail of it, also.