If I am to have any chance of learning all the names of everyone in all my classes, I need to make photo sheets of the class.
To help me do that, please do the following
- On a Mac, open the program Photo Booth. Use Photo Booth so that the images I receive are all the same size.
- Look at the top middle of the screen (the camera is typically a green dot)
- Press the red Camera icon
- Repeat this procedure until you like the picture that’s taken
- Drag the picture to the Desktop
- Rename the picture with this exact naming convention:last name DASH first name DASH student number.jpg
example: McMillan-Kevin-096486868.jpg
Once you’ve done that, please put the file in a folder called photo and then hand it in to our class handin folder on studentshare.
To connect to the handin folders for any course from the Mac, do the following
- click on the desktop
- go to the GO menu at the top of the screen and choose Connect to Server
- in the connection dialog box that comes up, type studentshare
- press the Connect button
- when asked to select a volume, choose myshare then click OK
- enter your login id and password when prompted
- if the server folder doesn’t open, go File < New Finder Window. In the sidebar, click on studentshare
- open the Semester folder
- open the folder for whatever course you’re in
- open the Hand-In Materials Folder
- open the folder with your name on it
- finally, drag the photo folder into the folder with your name