Tools & Generators

Emmet Lab Exercise

As you work your way through this exercise, it will give you a sense of the power that tools like Emmet can give you. Emmet is available for most good web text editors—including Sublime Text, Atom, and Brackets. If you’re using Visual Studio Code, it’s built in. Using the official Emmet documentation and (especially) cheatsheet, do […]

Tools & Generators

Emmet Exercise Answer Key

Note: on this web page, some lines in the answers will wrap to the next line. They are still one uninterrupted line of code each, however. Note, also, that WordPress made smart quotation marks in my code. On other pages on the site, this is fixed by a plugin, but this content was made before I installed […]

Tools & Generators UX

Accessibility Resources

The Veil of Ignorance To understand why a designer or developer must always consider accessiblity, read this short article. It is brilliant. A Good Introdution to Accessibility Invision Guide to Web Accessibility Contrast Levels The WCAG 2.0 AA recommendation for minimum contrast between foreground and background colors is 4.5:1. This contrast ratio analyzer allows you to […]