On some assignments, I will ask you to submit your work in one or two places: mylinux and/or studentshare. mylinux instructions This is a live web server that you can access off-campus. To upload to it, we use SFTP. If you need a review of SFTP, consult this document. The connections details you need are: […]
Category: Langara Outlines
In this page, I’ve collected a range of support material for my courses. Rather than arrange them by course, I have arranged them by subject and/or media, as the material spans a range of the classes I teach. Lynda.com Videos
LangaraPRM Teams 2017
WORDPRESS DESIGNER Nelson Tessa Ann-Sophie Laura WEB DESIGNER Freda Diego Stephanie ( Potential DUAL ROLE in Interface/Animation: Diego / Nelson ) MEDIA ( Videos, Images, possible custom icons, etc) Burhan Rony Marianna Maisey EDITORIAL Victoria Laura / Rony (PT) PROMOTIONS Marianna (PT) Victoria (PT) QA Wallace Maisey Freda ( PT: after Web Design duties are largely […]
PUBL 1232 Assignments
One: Install WordPress at Your Own Domain For this exercise, I want you to use your Host Company Control Panel to install WordPress at your own domain at the following location: https://yourdomain.com/prm-demo If you already have a WordPress installation at your current domain, ask your host company asap if your hosting package allows you to […]
Marking Comments Abbreviations
Title For Search Engine Optimization and Bookmark specificity, a best practice is to put the site name in the title, along with something page-specific. A page title like “article”, “contact” or “resume” does not provide a search engine much useful information. Bookmarks with titles like that are pretty much useless. Validation Either the HTML or […]
PUBL 1220 Outline (2017)
Publ 1220 Web Design Fundamentals Credits: 6 Room: A247 Contact Info: Kevin McMillan Office A248 604-323-5941 Days & Times: Summer Term: May 01 – June 10, 2017 Tuesday 130–520 Tuesday 600–720 (lab) Thursday 1130–320 Thursday 400–520 (lab) Friday 1130–420 (lab) Office Hours Tuesday 1130–130 Or by appointment. SKIP to Class Content This Section A class will cover HTML & CSS […]
WMDD 4815 Outline (2017)
NOTE: this outline is for a previous running of the class. To go to the current outline, use the menu at the top of the page. WMADD 4815 HTML / CSS 1 Credits: 3 Room: B014 Contact Info: Kevin McMillan Office A247b 604.323.5941 Days & Times: Spring 2017 Wednesdays Jan 04–April 05 Section 1 Lecture: 8:30–11:30 Lab: 11:30–1:30Section […]
WMADD 4840 Outline (2017)
NOTE: this outline is for a previous running of the class. To go to the current outline, use the menu at the top of the page. Your final assignment is due within one week of the last class, by midnight. The final exam will take place in the last class session—not in the exam period […]
Langara PRM Teams 2016
Editorial Department Lindsey Risto Michelle Diaz Joanna McDonald ( part time, if needed ) Media Department Celina O’Connor Erin Hughes Jenelle Fajardo-Lavery Anahita Jamali Rad ( part time ) Web Designers Da Sol Yoo Griselda Boquiren Joanna McDonald WordPress Designers Marina Bender Becca Van Dop Julianna Sonntag Nicole Yeh QA Vanessa Gosselin Anahita Jamali Rad […]
WMADD 4835 Outline
WMADD 4835 HTML / CSS 2 Credits: 3 Rooms: B014 Contact Info: Kevin McMillan Office A247b 604.323.5941 Days & Times: Spring 2017 Mondays, Jan 09 – April 03 1:30-230 (A247 lecture) 2:30–4:30 (A247 lecture) 430-630 (A110 lab) Office hours by appointment SKIP to Class Content This class will cover HTML & CSS design and development, continuing on […]