Exercises in Development

Card Interface

Netflix style card interface. Use transitionEnd event JS (see the Wes Bos drum machine exercise). See also his photo gallery for using backticks as an easy way to keep the code he adds to the DOM concise.

Exercises in Development

WordPress: Custom Post Types

Make a Custom Post Type with custom fields. Perhaps model it after PRM?

Exercises in Development

WordPress Development: Plugins

Get a google webmaster account for your live WordPress site. Write a WordPress plugin that will put the analytics code in the footer (rather than having to edit the footer).

Exercises in Development

SSH Security Exercise

Could use mylinux. Good video on on key pairs.

Exercises in Development

WordPress: Own Site Setup

For this exercise, please do the following: get cheap hosting and a domain name (I recommend namecheap for both) install WordPress from the host company control panel set up an Automated Backup solution set up Two Factor Authentication set up a security solution like Wordfence or Succuri install a Security Certificate (I recommend let’s encrypt, […]

Exercises in Development

JavaScript: HSL Color Scheme Generator

Using JavaScript, make an HSL color scheme generator with three sliders that the user can use to input values.

Exercises in Development

SASS: HSL Color Scheme

Using SASS, make a HSL color scheme generator. It must create a CSS color scheme that’s visible on the page.