
SFTP & URLs Lab Exercise

SFTP & URLs Review   Task No 1: Please make an HTML page with a single picture of something in it. Make sure that your page is accessible at Task No 2: Make another file, with a single sentence in it. Make sure that it is accessible at Task No 3: Download this zip file. Open it […]

Langara Outlines

PUBL 1232 Outline

Course: Publ 1232 Title: Advanced Web Design Credits: 3 Room: A247 (Mac Lab) Term: Summer 2017 June 20 – July 29 (final assignment due during exam period) Days/Times: Tuesday:  130-420 Thursday: 1130-120 (Lab) Office Hours: by appointment This class builds on the prerequisite course Publishing 1220: Web Design Fundamentals. The class itself will largely focus on WordPress — how to […]

Langara Outlines

PUBL 1220 Assignments

NOTE: I deduct marks for typos and spelling errors. Seriously. For each assignment, please read the associated description, as well as the specific measures by which I will mark your work. The rubric is at the bottom of each description. Assignment One: HTML/CSS Resumé For assignment one, I want you to make an HTML resumé. […]

Langara Outlines

PUBL 1220 Outline

Langara College Web Design Fundamentals (Publishing 1220). This Section A class will cover HTML & CSS design, and serve as a foundation for the Advanced Web Design & Web Production I courses in the second half of the summer semester.


CSS Floats: “Clearfix”

In this exercise, we’re going to build a simple horizontal menu to illustrate a potentially frustrating aspect about using floated elements. The HTML Imagine that you have a header, an H1, and a UL with a class of “menu-top” at the top of your site. The HTML would look something like this: Some Basic CSS […]


FTP with Filezilla

Preamble Elsewhere on this site, I show you how to use Fetch for FTP. This page will show how to use Filezilla to do the same thing. Unlike Fetch, Filezilla is available on Windows (as well as Mac). It’s also free to download and use. You can get it here. The screenshots below are from […]


WordPress: Working with Starter Themes

One way to get used to the WordPress Template Hierarchy and Template tags is to download a “starter” theme and bend it to your will. Download A Starter Theme For this exercise, we’ll do just that. First go to and download the html5reset WordPress theme. Once you’ve downloaded it, put it in wp-content in […]


WordPress: How to add Featured Images

How to Add Featured Image Support add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ ); The code that follows will test if the post has a featured image or not. Note: the_content() isn’t mandatory here, just a typical usage:  in the loop we will often place the featured image, then follow it with the content, or the excerpt. if  ( has_post_thumbnail() […]


CSS Layout Exercise: Gibson Gallery

The Task Download the files you need for this exercise. Double-click the zip archive if it doesn’t decompress automatically. You will be left with a folder called GibsonHTMLExercise.  Inside that folder is an index.html file, a folder of images, and a folder of additional pages (called, naturally enough, pages). Open the file screenshot.png. Your task is to make a web […]


CSS Floats: Images

The Theory The CSS float property is used to create layouts where content would flow around elements (typically pictures). In years past, in fact, entire site layouts would be done with floats. Fortunately, we now have dedicated layout modes like display:grid and display:flex, so the use of floats as a full layout tool has greatly […]