Preliminary Stuff In a MAMP Testing Enviroment, install a fresh copy of WordPress. In Dashboard < Settings, make the name of your site Jazz Icons and the description to the best players. Install the HTML5Reset WordPress Starter Theme. Change the name of the starter theme folder to firstnamelastnametest, no spaces. Edit the required file to […]
Author: km
The WordPress Template Hierarchy
The video below explains one of the most important concepts in WordPress theme development: the template hierarchy. Specifically, if you are making a theme, it’s important to know which of the theme files will actually generate your content. The diagram used in the video is available in the WordPress codex, along with some excellent examples: […]
About The Loop
The first three lines set up the logic: <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?> <?php /* Start the Loop */ ?> <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> Other themes will express this as a single line: <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while ( have_posts()): the_post(); ?> Regardless of these phrasing differences, […]
Basic CSS Grid Theory
In this exercise, we will make a couple of basic grid systems in order to build an understanding of how they work. The first one, which will be a fixed width grid, is basically a simplified version of the most famous web grid system, Nathan Smith’s 960 Grid System ( First of all, make a […]
PRM Departments 2020
Job Titles and responsibilities in the web industry vary widely and are in continual evolution. For a sense of what I mean here, please read this article by Chris Coyier, the host of, on the range of job titles in the web industry. That said, please review the following job descriptions, and then write down your three […]
PUBL 1232 Assignments
One: Install WordPress at Your Own Domain For this exercise, I want you to use your Host Company Control Panel to install WordPress at your own domain at the following location: If you already have a WordPress installation at your current domain, ask your host company asap if your hosting package allows you to […]
In a new WordPress installation, we will explore Users, User Roles, Gravatars, Comments, Spam Solutions, and more. In this exercise, we’re going to use a number of features that require a account. This account is different from that for your own self-hosted WordPress site. So if you don’t have a account, please go sign […]
Turning off commenting completely
To completely turn off commenting on an existing site, do the following: STEP ONE: Macro Level Go to the Dashboard, then Settings, then Discussion. Turn off both check marks in “Email me whenever”. In the same section, turn off all three boxes in “Default Article Settings.” You could even turn on “Users must be registered […]
Tables Exercise 2013
For this exercise, build a page that looks like the one in this screenshot. Save that file as albumsales1.html. Click on the image to see it full size. You only need to build the first two tables. Take the text from the image, or make up the band names and album titles. Note the striping of alternate […]
PUBL 1235 Web Production 1
Course: Publ 1235 Title: Web Production 1 Credits: 3 Room: A247 (Mac Lab) Term: Summer 2015 Class Days/Times: June 24–Aug 02 (possibly beyond) Tuesday 500–720 Wednesday 130–520 Thursday 200–520 Office Hours: Wednesday 1130-1330 This Section B class is devoted to the production of the online Pacific Rim Magazine. Like anything in life, this outline is subject to occasional changes. Throughout the […]