The idea behind build tools is to automate as much as possible the mundane and repetitive tasks in the production of software (such as a website or application). Such tasks can include things like: compiling SASS or LESS files into CSS on save compressing images reloading pages in browsers on save adding vendor prefixes to […]
Author: km
ATOM Packages
A lot of good text editors, like Sublime Text and Atom, have the ability to easily install packages that will extend their core functionality. Sometimes, people will make packages to replicate functionality found in other editors. For example, I am a longtime Sublime Text user. However, since Atom is free, I’ve started using it so […]
WordPress Security 2017
Reading the following articles will give you a good introduction to WordPress security: YOAST: WP Security in a Few Easy Steps: WP-CONFIG Security Keys ( WP Beginner ) HOW TO REMOVE GOOGLE BLACKLIST WARNING ( Succuri ) CODEX: HARDENING WORDPRESS ULTIMATE GUIDE TO WORDPRESS SECURITY (wpmudev)
When we ended part 1 of this exercise, we saw a bunch of posts output to the screen. In this part of the exercise, we are going to edit our template files in order to grab more information from the site database and output it in appropriate places in the page generation process. Header.php First, […]
This exercise will demonstrate a number of important WordPress features, including the WordPress template hierarchy common template tags the loop conditions in WordPress get_template_part We will take a simplified approach, in order to get the broadest sense of how WordPress themes work and not get bogged down in too many details. Some Sample Content First […]
LangaraPRM Teams 2017
WORDPRESS DESIGNER Nelson Tessa Ann-Sophie Laura WEB DESIGNER Freda Diego Stephanie ( Potential DUAL ROLE in Interface/Animation: Diego / NelsonĀ ) MEDIA ( Videos, Images, possible custom icons, etc) Burhan Rony Marianna Maisey EDITORIAL Victoria Laura / Rony (PT) PROMOTIONS Marianna (PT) Victoria (PT) QA Wallace Maisey Freda ( PT: after Web Design duties are largely […]
PUBL 1232 Assignments
One: Install WordPress at Your Own Domain For this exercise, I want you to use your Host Company Control Panel to install WordPress at your own domain at the following location: If you already have a WordPress installation at your current domain, ask your host company asap if your hosting package allows you to […]
If you want to practice float-based layout techniques, here are a few exercises. There are some very useful techniques contained in these exercises. If we have not yet covered a technique or tag yet in class, google it. Berlin Photo Gallery Go to this page and download the files and follow the setup instructions. This […]
Using the iPhone Simulator
To get to the iPhone simulator on your own Mac (sorry, Windows users), you need to install Xcode. If you are in a Langara or Emily Carr lab, it should be there already. To use the simulator, don’t open Xcode. Instead, navigate to it and then right-click (or control-click). That will bring up a contextual […]
Using Google Fonts
Using a hosted font service like Google Fonts or Typekit allows us to use a much wider range of fonts and weights than are included in the default range of fonts resident on users’ computers (as itemized at Because the fonts will be downloaded to the user’s computer when the page loads for the […]