By the end of part one of this exercise, we had made a basic but usable website. The main things we did to ensure a workable site were the following: Setting up responsive images. By making an img style of max-width:100%; height: auto, we made the page much more fluid than it would otherwise have been. […]
Author: km
For this exercise, we are going to make a website that looks like this: Please download the necessary image and text files. Unzip the file and then rename the folder to yourname-gibson-gallery. Inside this folder is an images folder, and a textfiles folder. Inside the text files folder are six text files. The text for the index page […]
PUBL 1220 Outline (2018)
Publ 1220 Web Design Fundamentals Credits: 6 Room: A247 Contact Info: Kevin McMillan Office A248 (604) 323-5941 Days & Times: Summer Term: May 08 – June 16, 2018 Tuesday 130–520 Tuesday 600–720 (lab) Thursday 1130–320 Thursday 400–520 (lab) Friday 1130–420 (lab) Office Hours Tuesday 1130–130 Or by appointment. SKIP to Class Content This Section A class will cover HTML […]
WMDD4840 Outline (2018-02)
WMADD 4835 Content Management Systems Credits: 3 Room: B014 Contact Info: Kevin McMillan Office A248 604.323.5941 Days & Times: Spring 2018 Mondays 930-1230 (Spring term runs Jan 02 – April 18) find my office Office Hours Tuesdays 130-430 SKIP to Class Content This class will cover Content Management Systems, specifically WordPress—by far, the most popular CMS in […]
In this exercise, please make sure that you are using Firefox: Chrome’s aggressive image caching will make the example appear not to work. As noted in the discussion of the SRCSET attribute, not all of our images need to take the full width of the screen. Depending on the layout, some might take half the […]
Apple’s default web browser is Safari, but we will generally use the Chrome or Firefox Developer Tools, so we need to change the default browser. To do that, go the Apple menu in the top left of the screen, then choose System Preferences, and then General:
MAMP: mysql Server Won’t Start
Sometimes when you start MAMP, the mysql server refuses to start up. Solution 1 Sometimes this is because it is already running from a previous session. To fix that, quit MAMP, open up Terminal and run the following command: killall -9 mysqld Then restart MAMP. Solution 2 If that doesn’t work, here’s another fix that […]
For this exercise, please download this package of files. This package contains some images, and a folder of screenshots. Depending on when you downloaded it, it will contain one or two HTML files. The screenshots show three responsive states: open them and view them at full size. Please style the page responsive states as closely […]
For this exercise, please download the starter files and the screenshots collection. These are big files, so the download might be a bit longer than that for most of the files on this site. Inside the starter files archive is a Duplicator package and installer. Install that in a new WordPress database. Then go […]
For this exercise, please first download these files. Once you unzip the files, you will see that there is an index.html file, a folder of images, and a screenshots folder. The index file has most of the content for the page. You will need to add: a stylesheet icon fonts for the top and bottom […]