WordPress Templates

WordPress Theming Exercise: The Eatery Restaurant Pt5

In the template-parts folder, duplicate content-staff-member.php and name the copy content-meal-menu.php. Here’s the contents of the new file: Change that code in the following way: change two classes change two fields remove the post-thumbnail div add the content area Now edit front-page.php Duplicate the Staff Members Section and change the following things: section class to […]

WordPress Templates

WordPress Theming Exercise: The Eatery Restaurant pt 4

Another Custom Post Type: Meal Menus Go to the CPT UI part of the Dashboard and choose Add / Edit Post Types. For the slug, use meal_menu. Fill in the Plural and Singular labels (with Meal Menus and Meal Menu, respectively) and then click the Populate additional labels based on chosen labels link. In those […]

WordPress Templates

WordPress Theming Exercise: The Eatery Restaurant pt 3

A New Staff Member In the Staff Members section of the Dashboard Sidebar, click Add New. You can also do this from the New menu in the Admin toolbar. You will then see this screen. It looks like a traditional post, sort of, but not… For the first employee use these values: Title: Doris Shutt […]

WordPress Templates

WordPress Theming Exercise: The Eatery Restaurant pt 2

Theory: Custom Post Types WordPress has two main kinds of content: posts and pages. Posts are organized with tags and categories. They typically have titles, content, excerpts, feature images, etc. However, much content doesn’t really “fit” that method of organizing. Fortunately, it is possible to create other kinds of post types through a feature called […]


The Eatery Restaurant Menu 2020: Responsive Page

For this exercise, please first download these files. Once you unzip the files, you will see that there is an index.html file, a folder of images, a screenshots folder, a file called index-not-marked-up.html. There will be two ways to do this exercise: CSS Emphasis: the index.html file has most of the HTML & the content […]


The Eatery Menu 2020: Step by Step Instructions pt 2

(…continued from part one of this exercise…) Now we’ll build the additional layouts the site requires. Header Area If we resize the screen quite wide, the site logo will get absurdly big. We’ll limit that by using our space more economically. First resize the browser window to determine at what size to change the header […]


The Eatery Menu 2020: Step by Step Instructions

This is a step-by-step run-though of the layout in this exercise. First, please first download these files and open them up as a new project in your editor of choice. The index file has most of the content for the page. We’ll add a bit more HTML as we go through it. Note: there will […]


SASS Settings For LiveSASSCompile VSC Extension

In order to get the LiveSASSCompile Visual Studio Code extension to save its compiled CSS files in the root level of a project, edit your VSC Settings. On Mac, you can do that by going to Code > Preferences > Settings. Once there, type in SASS in the field at the top. In the left […]

WordPress Templates

Multiple Loops in WordPress 2020

About Custom Loops This will be one of the more complex topic we cover in this class, but knowing how to make multiple loops in a single template file gives you some amazing abilities. The default loop gives you posts in order of most recent to least recent. However, with custom loops, we can select from […]

WordPress Templates

Icon Fonts with WP_Nav_Menu()

HIDING THE LINK TEXT:With wp_nav_menu, you can specify content to go before and after each link in the menu. Here “link_before” and “link_after” are being used to wrap the link text in a span that hides it while still remaining accessible. INSERTING THE ICONS:Then we can use CSS BEFORE pseudo-class selectors in order to inject […]