In this exercise, you will build a responsive page. You will use grid and flex, transitions, and a small amount of JavaScript. If this is a test, be sure to check what each section is worth. Demo Movie Here is a Loom video describing the layout and page behaviour. Starter Content: Font Awesome Icons First, […]
Author: km
Blend Mode Test Exercise 2025
In the following exercise, you will explore the following areas. In the project, you will make a CSS Blend Modes Tester: a tool that will allow you to investigate the visual effects that can be created using CSS Blend Modes, which are very much like the Blend Modes you might know from using Photoshop. The Exercise […]
In this exercise, you will investigate the use of Custom Post Types, Custom Fields, and Custom Taxonomies. You will also explore the WordPress Template Hierarchy in greater detail. First, you will need to download the starter content (a Duplicator package) and install it in your development environment. As well, please download the images and data […]
WMDD 4835-02 MIDTERM (Dickens) Rename the unzipped project folder dickens-yourfirstname-yourlastname. Basic Details of The Page • System UI font stack • Black background, white text, white borders • Accent Color: deeppink • Font Awesome Icons used: book, skull, user-astronaut, twitter, book-open-reader • Header Nav Hover Colors: deeppink, rgb(47, 210, 228), orangered, #ecf807 • Readmore “Line” […]
Project Setup First, please download the following: Note: this site does not use a static front page. Just the default WordPress blog format. Note: if this is a test, the marks breakdown is listed beside each section title. If this is not a test, the mark for the assignment is, as usual, out of 1. […]
Note: exercise revised January 2025. In this exercise, you will make the front page of a magazine-style site. First please download the screenshots. Use them to understand the required responsive states of the layout. There will be three main sections to the page: header, main, and footer. All type will be the georgia, times, ‘times […]
First, please download the starter files. In this exercise, you will work with grid to produce the following layout: And here is a Loom video describing the layout To make this exercise more interesting, you may not edit the HTML—only the CSS. Note: the HTML is already “wired up” with the Google font Oswald, and […]
In this exercise, you will explore many ways to use advanced CSS selectors. Download Project Files First, please download this zip archive of the files you need for the exercise. Three screenshots are included in the project. When you unzip the archive, please rename the project folder to AdvancedSelectors-YourFirstName-YourLastName About the Exercise You may NOT edit […]
Demonstration Videos, or Pages Exercises
In this exercise, you will be introduced to Full Site Editing in WordPress. Full Site Editing is intended to replace the “Customizer Experience” of classic themes, introducing a more consistent and potentially powerful way for site owners to have full control over the look and feel of their web sites. To begin, first please download […]