
WordPress Templates Exercise

Preliminary Stuff

In a MAMP Testing Enviroment, install a fresh copy of WordPress. In Dashboard < Settings, make the name of your site Jazz Icons and the description to the best players.

Install the HTML5Reset WordPress Starter Theme.

Change the name of the starter theme folder to firstnamelastnametest, no spaces.

Edit the required file to change the name of the theme, as it appears in the Appearance / Themes section of the Dashboard, to WordPress Test Your Name.

Edit the required file to change the author name to your first and last name.

Edit the required file to change the version number to .1

Download the sample content.

Import the Jazz Icons site database backup into your site. When you do this import, make sure that you DO import the authors along with the content. When you do, there will be two new users along with your own admin account: Kevin McMillan and kevinmc.

Add a new author called Ace Frehley, with an email address of

The database import will give you twelve new posts.

Currently, all posts are authored by Kevin McMillan. Change the author of the following posts to Ace Frehley:

Diamanda Galas
Ella Fitzgerald
Earl Hines
Sonny Sharrock

Setup: 5 Marks

The Home Page

Edit the required template file so that on the home page of the site,

– the publishing date does NOT appear on each post
– the excerpt rather than the full content, appears with each post
– the author’s name appears as a link to all posts by that author.

Home Page: 5 Marks

The Full Story Page

Edit the required files so that:

– when the user clicks on a post title in the home page and gets taken to the full story, the date of publication does not appear, while the author’s name (as a link to all posts by that author) does appear.

Full Story: 5 Marks

Author Posts Listing Page

Edit the required files so that:

– the sidebar does not appear in the listing of the author’s posts

– at the bottom of the listing of an author’s posts his or her avatar appears, at a default size of 96px.

Screen Shot 2013-07-18 at 10.57.40 AM


Story Page: 5 Marks


Style the site so that it looks as close to the screenshot example as possible.

Click For Full SIze View
Click For Full SIze View

Styling: 5 Marks


Bonus Task

For extra marks, ensure that at the bottom of the listing of Ace Frehley’s list of posts, his avatar appears at 192px.

Screen Shot 2013-07-18 at 11.02.35 AM


Bonus Marks: 5 marks



To display author name as a link to the posts by that author:
<?php the_author_posts_link() ?>

To display author name, non-linked:
<?php the_author(); ?>

To GET an AVATAR for your author, sized to 96px by 96px
<?php echo get_avatar( get_the_author_email(), '96' ); ?>