
WordPress FSE Exercise: The Bomb

First please download the starter content.

Then please download the additional graphics files.

Finally, please download the screenshots.

The starter content is a Duplicator package. Install that and then import the additional graphics files into the media library.

Now install and activate the Create Block Theme plugin.

Now watch this video on how to use Create Block Theme and the new way to install fonts in WordPress 6.5 and above.

Now, create a new Blank Theme. Name it The Bomb – Your Name and activate it.

Install the Google font Oswald (400 & 700 weights).

Now watch a video demonstration of the completed layout and make your theme output the content as shown in the movie and screenshots.

Your theme will have the following files:

  • Front-page
  • Single
  • Archive
  • 404
  • Index

Plus fonts and assets.

IMPORTANT: Before handing the theme in, make sure that you save your changes to the theme.

This concept is discussed in the video from 9:00 and onward.