ECUAD Outlines

ECUAD Web Development 2 (CEIE 250)

Instructor:Kevin  McMillan
Number of Sessions12
Day and TimeFridays 930-1230
DurationJuly 17 – October 02
Office Hours Wednesday 100-300
Meeting FormatBlueJeans Link (See Moodle Course Shell)
Official Outline

Course Description

This advanced course builds on the HTML & CSS skills gained in Web Design I by introducing students to the most popular content management system: WordPress. Students will start by learning the interface and metaphors of the program before moving to designing child themes and integrating blogs, image galleries, social media APIs and plugins into their sites. They will learn basic PHP and database concepts, as well as some of the more common ways to secure WordPress from attack. The troubleshooting of problems will also be examined. By the end of the course, students will have the tools to create a CMS based, dynamic website that is functional, beautiful, accessible, reliable and extensible.

Course Learning Outcomes & Objectives

By the end of the sessions students are expected to:

  1. Understand concepts around dynamic websites
  2. Understand what a CMS is, and what CMS options exist
  3. Obtain essential skills in using the WordPress Platform
  4. Be able to extend WordPress beyond its basic functionality
  5. Be able to modify a theme or build a basic child theme.

Course Method

  1. Presentation or lecture
  2. Demonstrations and exercises
  3. Exploration of materials and techniques
  4. Research and written work
  5. Independent study, studio work and projects
  6. Discussion and peer critique
  7. Instructor guidance and feedback
  8. Home assignments (if applicable)


Lab / Homework Exercises40%

Final Project Description


To successfully complete the course, students are expected to complete all assignments to the instructor’s stated requirements, attend at least 85% of the classes and participate actively in discussions and critiques.

Please refer to the course evaluation criteria. Students must satisfy each learning outcome to successfully Pass.

Grade Scale

Letter GradePercentage EquivalentGrade PointsDescription
A+95-1004.33Distinguished Achievement
A90-944.00Outstanding Achievement
A-85-893.67Excellent Achievement
B+80-843.33Very Good Achievement
B75-793.00Commendable Achievement
D50-541.00Marginal Pass
IIncomplete Grade
WWithdrawal from a course

Additional ECUAD policies are described on the official course outline (pdf).


LinkedIn Learning
The following LinkedIn Learning courses will help you master the essentials of the WordPress interface.

Installing and Running WordPress: MAMP  (ch 1 & 2 )

WordPress 5 Essential Training (all chapters)
WordPress 5 Essential Training: Site Admin (all chapters)

WordPress: Developing Secure Sites (all chapters)

WordPress References
The WordPress Codex
WordPress Developer Resource
Codex: Stepping into Template Tags
Codex: Template Tags List
Codex: Conditional Tags

WordPress Cheat Sheets
WP Mega Cheat Sheet
WP Developer Super Cheat Sheet

Course Software

Useful Visual Studio Code Extensions:

  • WordPress Snippets
  • Beautify
  • Bracket Pair Colorizer
  • File Utils
  • Intellisense for CSS
  • Text Pastry
  • Atom Keymap (if you already know the Atom editor)

Image Downloads

I’m putting these here, because we will use them in a number of classes:

Schedule of Instruction

Week 1: July 17
(Intro to Content Management)

  • CMS vs Static Sites
  • vs models
  • Setup of Local Testing Environment: MAMP
  • WP Dashboard & Editing Area
  • Media / Galleries
  • Embeds
  • Posts, Pages
  • Comments & Tags
  • Gutenberg Editor
  • The best keyboard shortcut of all time…

Weekly Videos


Lab Exercises / Homework

Week 2: July 24
(Site Configuration 1)

  • Posts vs Pages Review
  • Settings / Customizer
  • Header Images
  • Menus
  • WP Importer
  • Intro to WordPress CSS
  • Classic Editor
  • Theme Configuration 1

Weekly Videos

Class Exercise / Homework

Week 3: July 31
(Site Configuration 2 )

  • Theme Configuration 2
  • Plugins: Duplicator, Contact Form 7
  • More WP CSS

Class Exercise / Homework


Week 4: Aug 07
(Site Configuration 3)

  • Themes Configuration 3
  • Plugin: MetaSlider
  • Yet More WP CSS

Class Exercise / Homework

Week 5: Aug 14
(Site Configuration 4)

Lab Exercises / Homework

Week 6: Aug 21
(Theming 1)

  • Introduction to PHP
  • Basic Template Tags
  • DRY vs WET: The Point of Templates
  • The WordPress Template Hierarchy
  • index.php, single.php, page.php, 404.php
  • Theme Foundation Parts: get_header(), get_footer(), get_sidebar()
  • Basic Template Tags: the_title(), the_author(), the_content(), the_post_thumbnail(), etc
  • The Loop

Lab Exercises / Homework

Week 7: Aug 28
(Theming 2)

  • Archives ( category, tag, date, author, etc )
  • get_template_part()
  • Functions.php
  • add_theme_support()
  • wp_enqueue_style()
  • wp_enqueue_script()
  • register_nav_menus()
  • Icon Fonts in WP

Lab Exercises / Homework

Week 8: Sept 04
(Theming 3)

  • Conditions
  • Multiple Loops
  • Portfolio Child Theme Discussion

Lab Exercises / Homework


Week 9: Sept 11
(Child Themes)


Week 10: Sept 18
(Transferring to Live Server)

  • Getting a Domain & Hosting
  • WordPress Security Recap
  • Transferring a Site from another domain
  • Transferring from a local environment to a live domain


Week 11: Sept 25
(Work & Consult Week)

Week 12: Oct 02
(Work & Consult Week)

Day & TopicClass ExampleHomeworkTopics
1: July 17
Intro to Dynamic Sites
Class Exercise: about mecanadacms theory
interface basics
posts, categories, tags, links
images, galleries, embeds
2: July 24
Site Config 1
Class exercise: obsessive guitaristobsessive guitaristthemes, css, categories, menus
customizer, more, semantics, widgets
3: July 31
Site Config 2
Class exercise: fishyfishy themes, plugins, css
4: Aug 07
Site Config 3
Class exercise: jazz icons (ryan, youpolls)jazz / youpollsthemes, plugins, css, users, gravatar
5: Aug 14
Site Config 4
Class exercise: miyazaki / metasliderblogberg / jetpack themes, plugins, css
6: Aug 21
Child Theming
Class exercise: bare bones themingbare bones themingtheming, template hierarchy, template parts
7: Aug 28
Class exercise: menu exercisemenu exercisetheming, template hierarchy, template parts
8: Sept 04
Class exercise: conditionsthemed jazziconstheming, template hierarchy, template parts, conditions
9: Sept 11
Child Themestbatheming, template hierarchy, template parts, conditions, custom loops
10: Sept 18
Transfering to Live Servertba
11: Sept 25Work & Consult
12: Oct 02Work & Consult
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