CSS JavaScript WordPress

Download: SASS WP Gulp Build Process

Basic Gulp-Based SASS Build Process

In order to use SASS in your WordPress development environment, download this zip archive.

When you unpack the archive, you will have a folder called gulp-dev-for-wp. Inside that folder are two files: package.json and gulpfile.js.


This build process assumes that either:

It also assumes that you have put into wp-content/themes:

  • an underscores-based starter theme, or
  • a theme with a “sass” folder at the top level, with a style.scss file inside it


Copy this downloaded folder (gulp-dev-for-wp) into your wp-content/themes folder. Do not put it into into your theme folder. Rather, put it in the same folder that holds your theme folder.

Edit the file gulpfile.js: change the value of the first variable to match the exact folder name of your theme.

Then, in the command line navigate into this folder (gulp-dev-for-wp). An easy way is to type cd and then drag the folder into the terminal window.

Run this command: npm install

Once the required modules install, run this command: gulp watch

Now, every time you make an edit to a sass file or partial, the sass compilation process will reoccur.